EZ Herbs

An Herbal Cleanse for Spring

Spring is here, and it’s the perfect time to renew, refresh and restore the body’s delicate balance after the less active days of winter. Strolling through the springtime garden’s lush new growth, I love to harvest and nibble nutritious, cleansing herbs like Cleavers (Galium aparine), Yellow Dock leaves (Rumex crispus), Dandelion leaves (Taraxacum officinale) and Chickweed (Stellaria media).  Simply munching on them is nice, but also try harvesting, rinsing and making a fresh tea with them, or adding them to salads, soups or your favorite vegetarian dish. I recently have been drinking my Spring Green Tonic made from juicing Cleavers, Chickweed and a bit of Yellow Dock leaves together and then adding Spirulina, Dulse flakes and a bag of organic frozen peaches, honey, water and blend it up!!! The tonic is quite tasty and so good for you. These plants are valuable, medicinal herbs.

If you’re ready to do a liver cleanse, for just one week, it is best to eliminate sugar, alcohol, processed foods, white flour and preservatives from the diet while doing process. Also, it’s a good idea to consume light, healthy meals for one week’s time, including soups and fresh vegetables.  Add nutritious grains or beans to provide good protein.

During the cleanse, one needs to pay special attention to the liver.  Known as the “Master Detoxifier”, the liver renders harmless the various chemicals, drugs and toxins that find their way into the blood stream.  The liver also produces and stores glycogen, and stores all fat soluble vitamins including A, E, D, K and B-12 while metabolizing all other vitamins.  My EZ Liver Tea includes alterative, blood purifying herbs such as Dandelion Root (Taraxacum offinale), Burdock Root (Arcticum lappa), Echinacea Root (Echinacea purpurea), Licorice Root (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Yellow Dock Root (Rumex crispus) and Ginger Root (Zingiber officinale) that work in concert to gently assist the body in eliminating toxins while also replenishing and rejuvenating the blood.

Choose a cleansing method that best fits your routine. Enjoy 3 – 4 cups of warm or cool liver cleansing tea throughout the day.  In addition to the tea, you might enjoy a hot lemonade toddy in the evening. This is made from organic lemons, sweetened with maple syrup while adding just a pinch of cayenne pepper for an overnight stimulation to the liver.  Also in the morning, it is good to start with a drink of ½ unsweetened cranberry juice, ½ water and a tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar. A great start to your day. Don’t forget to breathe deeply, get some exercise and take plenty of rest during the week.

Remember, an allergic reaction can happen to anyone.  Take care to make sure all of these herbs are agreeable to you and will not counter indicate any other medications. In most situations, the herbs mentioned here are used safely and effectively by the majority of people. You may experience a slight laxative effect — one of the body’s natural ways of eliminating toxins.

The greatest benefit of cleansing is gaining a nourished, healthier liver, gallbladder, spleen and pancreas.  Give your liver a gift — maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle!

Spring Green Blessings, Ellen