EZ Herbs

Water-Wise and Drought Tolerant Herbs

Global warming is an “Inconvenient Truth” that we are all aware of.  We all need to be conscious of this and do everything we can to help heal this very serious situation.  Those of us who are gardeners can focus more on planting drought-tolerant, xeriscape herbs and plants. Many of us already do this by using Natives in our gardens, but there are many herbs that are also Water-Wise.

A few years ago we were unfortunate enough to have our 7 year-old well go dry.  For several years I noticed the lessening of accessible water to our home.  Several times in the midst of our summer heat, I stood in the shower with a head full of shampoo and the water would just stop.  If I waited a half an hour or so, the water would eventually replenish and I could rinse off.  I knew the day was soon approaching that our water would end and it did.

Being a gardener and making a living by growing, processing and using herbs, this was a difficult event.  Luckily we were able to hook into a water line from the county, but we had drilled a well only 7 years ago and were enjoying the water it provided. I have always been a water conversationalist and now I am more conscious of my water use than before. We have had a rainwater collection system for the garden since moving here.  I highly recommend rainwater collection, a drip irrigation system and trashing overhead, wasteful sprinklers.  

I have a list of herbs known as “Ellen’s Dynamic Dozen Herbs”  This is a list of plants that grow most easily in Central Texas and have many medicinal and practical uses.  Many of these plants are also Water-Wise.  The list can be accessed and downloaded on my website, http://www.ezherbs.net/dynamicdozenherbs.htm I have chosen two of my favorite Water-Wise herbs to discuss in this Blog.

One of my very favorite plants and one quite popular in Austin gardens is Echinacea purpurea, Purple Coneflower.  Echinacea is an easily grown perennial wildflower that is best planted in the fall.   It will grow its leaves in the spring, it’s gorgeous, deep pink flowers in the summer and the roots are harvested in the fall to make a potent herbal medicine. Noted as the world’s most popular herbal remedy, Echinacea is used to increase the body’s resistance to infection and to enhance and build the immune system. Echinacea can also aid in reducing inflammation and acts as a preventive for maintaining good health. A native Texas wildflower, Purple coneflower is drought-tolerant once it is established and very easy to grow.

My actual favorite herb and best-selling herbal product is Vitex agnus-castus, Chaste Tree. Vitex is a native of the Mediterranean area and grows very easily in our hot, dry Central Texas environment.  Take notice of other Mediterranean herbs, i.e., Rosemary, Oregano, Basil and Thyme and know that they also grow well here as our environments and weather are quite similar. Also known as Monk’s Pepper, the berries of this perennial small tree, or large shrub, are harvested in the summer and made into a strong tincture (herbal extract).  These medicinal berries are used to treat many symptoms of PMS and menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes and excessive bleeding.  As a hormone balancer, Vitex regulates progesterone and estrogen, helps to reduce fibroids, aids in fertility and can help re-establish normal ovulation and menstruation.  It’s an incredible plant requiring very little supplemental water once it is established. You can order some fresh Vitex tincture by clicking on this link:  http://www.ezherbs.net/herbal-products/tinctures/

Other herbs that are Water-Wise, beautiful and useful include: Passionflower, Passiflora incarnata, Garden Sage, Salvia officinalis, Horehound, Marribrum vulgare, Mullein, Verbascum thapsus, Rosemary, Rosmarinus officinale, Lavender, Lavendula spp., Goldenrod, Solidago altissima, Yellow Dock, Rumex crispus and Thyme, Thymus vulgarus.

As we continue to grow our gardens in Austin, we must be consistently conscious of the precious water we are using.  Growing drought-tolerant and Water-Wise herbs is an environmentally friendly and necessary habit to acquire.  These plants are lovely, useful and can be passed along and shared with others. Please do all you can to help heal our planet, assist in maintaining and enhancing its incredible beauty and be mindful of our most precious natural resource, water, to preserve this world as we know it for our cherished children and grandchildren. 

With Many Green Blessings, Ellen